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General Enrichment
in Community Enrichment
Fun Fit Fabulous
with Deidre Hutchins

Feeling tired, off balance, or having a difficult time getting up and down? This 45-minute fitness class is the answer to help you feel both emotionally and physically younger and stronger! Reenergize yourself in this welcoming, spacious, and uplifting environment. This class will enhance your overall wellbeing by improving brain function and helping you to regain youthful energy. Stretch, stabilize, and strengthen your way to the best version of you. Let us jump start your day with positive and inspirational energy; guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Join us!
Flexible & Mobile
with Deidre Hutchins

Do you wake up in the morning with tight/stiff muscles? Do you experience low back pain and decreased mobility in your hips, shoulders, and neck? You know you need to stretch but you’re not quite sure what to? If you have answered yes to any of the above this 45 minute total body stretch class is what you need. It will leave you feeling taller, more limber, and ready to start your day!
with Sheila Powers

Get ready to dance your way to fitness! Join us for a fun and energetic workout featuring Latin and international rhythms. Led by an enthusiastic instructor, this course offers easy-to-follow moves for all levels, improving cardiovascular health and mood. Don't miss out on the joy of Zumba!
Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms of Maine and the Northeast
with David Spahr

Join self-proclaimed "mushroom Maineiac" David Spahr and get the inside information on the wild mushrooms of the Northeast. Edible and medicinal mushrooms represent an opportunity for sustainably foraging and enjoying healthy, locally sourced food and present a potential for health benefits beyond good nutrition.
This presentation will cover finding, collecting, identifying and preparing the safe and common edible and medicinal mushroom species of Maine, New England, and Eastern Canada. Nature enthusiasts, cooks, foragers, herbalists, and others will enjoy and benefit from David's expertise. Topics will include matching species with appropriate foods, discovering mushrooms that contain unique medicinal properties, and exploring information about dyeing fabrics and paper.
David's book, Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms of New England and Eastern Canada, will be available to purchase.
Yoga Nidra
with Cindy Arnold

Introduction to Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra, also known as “yogic sleep”, is a form of guided meditation that offers profound relaxation and healing. Unlike traditional meditation, Yoga Nidra is usually practiced lying down, allowing the practitioner to find a state of deep rest under the guidance of a teacher. Through this practice, one navigates the delicate balance between wakefulness and sleep, achieving a state where the body reaches homeostasis, the breath stabilizes, and both the conscious and unconscious mind harmonize.
How Yoga Nidra Works
During a Yoga Nidra session, the teacher guides the practitioner into a state of deep relaxation through a series of instructions and visualizations. This process draws attention inwards, away from external distractions, and helps the practitioner to travel through different layers of consciousness. As the body relaxes, the mind becomes a witness to its own internal processes, unveiling a state of deep, blissful awareness.
Benefits of Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra offers an array of benefits including:
· Stress Reduction: By promoting relaxation, it helps reduce anxiety and stress levels.
· Improved Sleep: Regular practice can lead to better sleep quality and reduced insomnia.
· Enhanced Creativity: It can unlock creative potential by tapping into the subconscious mind.
· Emotional Healing: It offers a safe space for emotional release and healing.
· Physical Relaxation: Deeply relaxes the body, aiding in muscle recovery and reducing chronic pain.
Preparing for a Yoga Nidra Session
To fully immerse yourself in a Yoga Nidra session, it’s important to prepare your space and gather the necessary props. Here are some tips to ensure a comfortable practice:
· Yoga Mat: Lay down a yoga mat to provide a soft surface for your practice.
· Pillow: Use a pillow to support your head and neck.
· Bolster or Pillow for Under Your Knees: Place a bolster or pillow under your knees to relieve lower back tension.
· Light Blanket: Have a light blanket to keep warm, as body temperature may drop during relaxation.
The Session
During the session, you will be in savasana (corpse pose) for about an hour. It’s crucial to find a position where you are comfortable and can remain still, allowing yourself to fully surrender to the practice.
Participating in Yoga Nidra
Participants can choose to attend the sessions on Thursday afternoons or evenings, possibly three sessions available in the afternoon and three in the evening. Participants have the flexibility to sign up for just one session or commit to all six, depending on their schedule and interest.
Each session provides an opportunity to deepen your practice and experience the transformative effects of Yoga Nidra
Play the Ukulele-Your Journey Begins Here!
with Duncan Perry

Learn to play the ukulele! It has never been more popular, and you don't even have to know how to read music! On the uke you can knock out folk, rock, blues, jazz, pop, and country music, tunes old and new--even classical music. Duncan Perry, who has taught more than 1,000 students of all ages, will introduce you to essential chords and playing skills using familiar songs. Oh, and there are lots of laughs along the way. And did you know that playing the uke is not only fun but it's also good for your brain! You will need a playable ukulele and an electronic tuner or a tuner app. When folks hear you play this happy instrument, well, they just have to smile! What are you waiting for? Grab a uke, sign up, tune up and show up. Let your musical journey begin!
Adult Functional Fitness
with United Fitness

Bringing our most popular class to Augusta, Chip & Allan will be leading the Older Adult Functional Fitness class every Tuesday & Thursday! Join them to learn how to maintain health, balance, and flexibility without compromise!
Norse Mythology: Loki's Day
with Sarah Love

Loki is another Norse figure taken to the big screen by Marvel. In this one-night class you will learn about Loki through his stories in Norse mythology.