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General Enrichment
in Community Enrichment
Beginner Martial Arts
with United Fitness

This course is designed to show you, the new student, a look at the martial art of the Japanese and some of the other martial arts that Ryan Shihan has trained in as well. The physical activity level is set at your level so if you have been afraid to do martial arts because of the physical level, then this activity is for you. This course will show you an in-depth look at street self defense without the risk of you being injured. This course will include a uniform as well.
Ladies of Norse Mythology
with Sarah Love

Figures like Thor, Odin, and Loki get a lot of attention, but what about the women in Norse Mythology? In this one-night class you will get an introduction into the women present in the stories and learn about them through their myths.
The Volsung Saga Retelling
with Sarah Love

We have all heard about the Norse gods like Thor and Odin, but what of their heroes and folklore? In this one-night class you will hear the granddaddy of all the Norse sagas: The Volsung Saga. This story has influenced art and music for hundreds of years, and even had a great influence on Tolkien while he wrote the Lord of the Rings books.